OneRNG programmer - this unit allows you to replace the firmware on the OneRNG units, it is NOT required to use a OneRNG - you should only buy it if you want to program a OneRNG yourself.
For stocking reasons this product does NOT include the required cable, you can purchase the 6-pin Tag-Connect TC2030-IDC-NL cable from Mouser or directly from the manufacturer.
NZ Customers: GST is included, please contract us directly if you need an invoice.
We have a limited number of programmers in stock, we now ship these from NZ so we've had to bump the price to include NZ shipping.
For stocking reasons this product does NOT include the required cable, you can purchase the 6-pin Tag-Connect TC2030-IDC-NL cable from Mouser or directly from the manufacturer.
NZ Customers: GST is included, please contract us directly if you need an invoice.
We have a limited number of programmers in stock, we now ship these from NZ so we've had to bump the price to include NZ shipping.